Thank you for your support!

Making a donation to the Community Foundation can be done quickly and safely with our secure online donation form, making it easy to support the causes you care about. All of your data is securely submitted for instant authorization and processing. You will receive an email confirmation of your gift once complete. We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express.

We also accept donations via phone Monday thru Friday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM at 513.874.5450


You can also mail your donation to 8366 Princeton Glendale Rd. Suite A2, West Chester OH, 45069 

Checks should be made out to the Community Foundation of West Chester/Liberty and reference the specific fund in the memo line. 


Contact Information

Gift Designation

Unrestricted Fund
Specified Fund

Don't know the name of the fund you want to contribute to?
Click Here for a list of current funds. If you do not choose a specific fund or any type of fund, your donation will be applied to the Unrestricted Fund.

We Would Like To Make A Gift (Please choose only one)

Please notify the following of this gift:

Gift Details


One Time

Payment Information

Billing address matches contact address


For American Express, it's the four digits on the front of the card. For any other card, it's the last three digits in the signature area on the back of your card.
 What is this?